Publications, tools and applications
Kronholm, Thomas et al. 2019. State of the art and development needs of forestry service enterprises in the NPA region.pdf
Paula Jylhä et al. 2019. Koneellinen hakkuu seurantatutkimus_luke.pdf
Komulainen, Timo. 2018. Collecting user-defined data from harvesting operations.pdf
Kettunen, Arto & Hurttala, Henna. 2019. Digital solutions in the forestry service business
A program for reading forest machines’ operational monitoring data (mom-files) is under finalization and can already be tested. The code of the reader tool will be made publicly available, to be utilised in various monitoring and business management applications.
StanForD 2010 MOM parser - application for testing. Upload parser from here
”Digitaaliset alustat” – Fobia-hankkeen loppuseminaarin esitykset 4.2.2020 Vuokatti
This project has received funding from the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme / the European Regional Development Fund.